Sound Discovery Storybooks, King Wizzit Series, Step 2. |
(Set of 12 books). |
Overview: The King Wizzit series by Jackie Day is a set of 12 decodable reading books specifically written to support the Sound Discovery literacy programme at digraph level.
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Details: This set of books was initially developed for pupils struggling to learn basic literacy skills, and whose sight vocabulary was limited.
The books can also be used to support the literacy development of mainstream children following the Sound Discovery programme, or indeed, where phonically regular text is required by students of all ages.
The books use all the alphabet sounds, the consonant digraph sounds: sh, ch, th, ng and all the vowel digraph sounds: ai, ee, oa, ie ue. This high level of phonically regular words in the texts enables children to use their phonic skills and achieve success.
When used in conjunction with the Sound Discovery programme, children with literacy difficulties can experience the repetition and reinforcement they need.
In spite of the phonic emphasis, the texts additionally aim to extend students’ vocabulary and wider aspects of language such as idiom, wordplay and humour.
An approach integrating text with word and sentence level work can make a significant contribution to whole school improvement.
Although originally conceived as a Key Stage 2 intervention, the series has been found appropriate for use in mainstream classes whenever structured text with progression is required.